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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tips for living with your boyfriend & girlfriendTen

Tips for Surviving Living with Your Boyfriend0) Leave the toilet seat up???

1) Guys have clothes and an increasing array of toiletry items. Don’t take over the wardrobe and bathroom cabinets. Make sure there’s equality in the storage space department.

2) Guys are notorious for forgetting to show their appreciation. When you’re living with someone it’s pretty easy to forget to do the little things that show you care. It doesn’t mean that he loves you any less than he did before you moved in together.
3) Don’t behave like a mother. Getting all possessive and wanting to know where you boyfriend is, what he’s doing, who he’s with and when he’ll be home is a sure fire way to cause a ton of relationship friction. If you trusted him before you moved in, there’s no reason to not trust him post moving in together.
4) Make sure the lines of communication stay open. Nip any problems or niggly issues in the bud. Don’t let them build up.
5) Be willing to compromise. A relationship is all about give and take. Living together is a stark reminder of the small sacrifices and concessions that need to be made if you want to remain together. Equally, there should be compromise on his behalf too.
6) Split the bills. If one partner is financially supporting the other it can lead to all sorts of ammunition should the situation turn sour. There are few excuses to not pull weight when it comes to paying the bills. You should always aim to keep some sort of financial independence.
7) Before you move in together set down some ground rules or standards so you each know what you’re going into before its too late. Talk them through and come to an agreement on them. Discuss everyday things such as cooking, grocery shopping, tv usage, phone and internet needs, private time etc.
8) Take a few trial runs before committing to a lease arrangement. Go on a few holidays together or try to arrange living under the same roof for a month with either with some friends or a short term rental arrangement.
9) Discuss visitations from friends and family. It’s inevitable that at some stage you’ll be having guests that the other doesn’t get along with. Some friends and families feel that it is their right to arrive unannounced and help themselves to your space, time and fridge. Get some ground rules squared for how visitations are to be handled.
10) Avoid smothering. Getting some time away from each other remains an important part of any relationship. Don’t cut ties with your friends. One of the ultimate killers of a relationship is spending too much time with each other. Getting away from your partner is a good way of getting balance and putting any issues into perspective.

Ten Tips for Surviving Living with Your Girlfriend

1) When you’re finished… toilet seat… down. Always. It is one of the simplest steps to keeping the peace.
2) Be respectful of the shared space. There’s no need to get permission to have your friends around for beers and pizza in front of the TV, but make sure you let your girlfriend know. If she’s get to get up early the next morning keep the noise low when she does to bed and clean up after yourself. Basically use common sense.
3) Do your fair share of housework. You’ll probably be able to figure out between yourselves who does what. Make sure whatever you are responsible for gets done and done properly.
4) Maintain a decent level of cleanliness. There’s no need to be a neat freak, however slobiness is never attractive.
5) Keep in touch with your mates. The key to any long term relationship is scheduling time exclusively with your partner, but having some fun alone with your friends is just as important. You’ll keep a sense of independence which is important.
6) Accept that living with someone is a bit of give and take. Your visions of the ideal bachelor pad are probably not concurrent with your girlfriend’s ideas for interior design. Get together and compromise on what your living spaces are going to be like.
7) No matter where it is hidden, if you have porn it is guaranteed to be found. If there is anything in your closet that needs to be discussed, discuss it before it is found.
8) The biggest complain that occurs when couples move in together is that the relationship becomes very domestic and the partner feels taken for granted. Just because you are living together does not mean that you and your girlfriend have to stop dating. Arrange special nights out and continue to behave as you were before you moved in together.
9) A few little things can go a long way. Occasionally prepare a home cooked meal for when she returns home, offer to make a cup of tea, buy some flowers anything to let her know you are thinking of her.
10) If the idea of totally giving up your personal space is too much come to a compromise. If you can afford it get a two bedroom place until you settle into the idea of living under the same roof. Sharing a place with some other friends can keep thing casual to start out. However, remember that the infancy of your coupledom life is going to be shared with your friends. Every fight and problem is going to be public knowledge.

What do you mean by love?

What do you mean by love?

What do you mean by love? It has many meanings for many people. If you mean, Does he fancy you?, I have no doubt he does. He most certainly likes you and values your friendship from what you say. At the moment you both perhaps LOVE being with each other and are attracted to each other. Maybe that is all you are going to know for now. Trust is something that grows when people see that they will not be let down or hurt by another. Only you can decide whether or not to trust another by offering your love. I guess the only thing to rely on is some well structured communication & time. Only these two factors will show you the way & lead you towards understanding. There's not enough said for time being a factor for love. Time can prove a lot of the elements needed for love--care and concern for the other, not being demanding of them, loyalty, continued friendship over time and distance, affection, understanding and acceptance of their faults and that they are not perfect. Saying you "love" someone is a lot easier than really loving them. Loving is unconditional, meaning there is no conditions that the person you love loves you back. However, to know if someone loves you all one needs to look at is the actions of that person. Words are never enough, unless they are backed by actions that match what is being said. Should some one claim they love you then hurt you with their actions then most definitely that would not in my book be considered love. You really don't know how much someone loves you. Love isn't a thing that just happens like in a fairy tale movie of "love at first sight". ( I wonder what she or he will look like in "love at first sight in 50 years!!)There has to be a common bond. A place in your heart and mind where you can go. Sometimes by yourself, and other times with each other. Because.... People in love will purposely hurt each other with spiteful words and actions. Hoping that the other will understand by forgiving and comforting. But.. that kind of unconditional love is very rare. Its too easy to give up and see if the grass is greener elsewhere. Love is when you care about someone else more than yourself. That's it. A good indicator is if they want to be your friend as well as being romantically involved with you. Love is something that you grow into like a young child growing into teenager clothing. Love just don't happen overnight, in one day or in one week for that matter. I think what you feel for each other in the beginning is more attraction and curiosity and with time it can change into love, but in order for true love to happen there has to be trust, honesty, sincerity and compassion in the relationship. That is the only way you really get to know that person and to know if that person really loves you. Love is a mindset that commits one person to engage into actions that include sacrifice, respect and compromise for the purpose of benefiting the person being loved. They are carried out with respect to the other person. Without respect, there's no love. True love is a continual process over time; it is not the "fuzzy feelings" or the "intense physical chemistry/attraction". These are simply lust. Unfortunately today's young men and women are so easily confused between love and lust. Love includes emotional response and actions. With only emotional responses, it's mere lust and fantasy. It is essential to have a clear definition of what love encompasses in one's mind. It can avoid a lot of hurtful feelings and encounters in dating. Like everything in life, love is relative. It means many different things to many different people. Perhaps this is because it is only an idea. Imagine if everyone who read the same description of a character in a story saw the exact same visual image in their mind? Same thing with love...each person will have a distinct idea of it. For me, love is caring about the person, being there for them no matter what it costs you (physically, emotionally, etc.), and a willingness to endure all things necessary to keep that person in your life. So, do you love someone? It depends: Do you find yourself giving up other ventures just to spend an extra moment with them? Do you enjoy talking (really talking) with them? Does this person bring out a necessity in you to be the best you can be, not for your benefit, but for their benefit? Only way you know someone loves you is by how much sacrifices they will put up to make you happy. Being unselfish, caring about you more then himself. It goes both ways though. If everyone thought of what would make their lover's happy instead of what makes them happy, they'll be an overflow of love. Love is sacrifices. I believe and feel if a man or woman loves you they wouldn't do anything to hurt you. And knowing we all are imperfect I feel that if a problem was acknowledged that that person would come together with unconditional love and work this out. They would appreciate you for your worth and help you when you are in the need of them. Love is not thinking to ones self " what is this going to do for me", but will say or think "what can I do to help this person I love". But when you get people who are always thinking about themselves all the time. That is not real true love. And a person must be worthy of love as well. Actions speak louder than words its better to know someone loves you without being told cause anyone can say i love you and also it does not matter how long your together to say i love you cause love has no time limit you go by when its there its there say it when you feel it and it could be infatuation but i would hope you'd know the difference Together you can both act silly or even goofy. Maybe even stupid together once in a while, while in public or around other's you both will act "mature" (whatever that is supposed to be). You'll be able to talk about ANYTHING together without having "taboo" subjects. When you get the sweet phone calls out of the blue or when they look into your eyes and you can see the love. You can almost see right to there soul. You can tell by their body movements when you’re around. You can really feel in your heart. When they are not around how much you miss them. I thinks it's a reciprocated love. When you start investing your time and effort and he reciprocates it with love and care from there you can already prove it. It takes two tangos.
To find true love. Love this person with all your heart and hope that it’s mutual. You'll know if it is.

Monday, February 12, 2007




你总是告诉我你好忙 到底几时才有时间 我已受够了这种冰冷的寂寞。。。。

你说要多点空间,叫我计划自己的节目。。 可是我只想依赖你,可你却不了解。。

恋爱不是应该开心和愉快吗? 可我们却好多争吵。。

每次一个人假日发呆,找不到朋友陪我聊天。。 你所给的伤害我很难理解与体谅。。





曾以为你是全世界 但那天已经好遥远

绕一圈我才发现 我有更远地平线

我们都没错 只是不适合

我要的 我现在才懂得

选择是我的 不是你给的

幸福要自己负责 错过的请你把握


我把自己关起来 对着天黑窗外的夜幕发呆

想起大师对我说的话,叫我别自找烦恼,很多事情明明很简单可又很喜欢钻牛角尖。。。。往往把事情弄成复杂。。我的心情和想任何感觉都太着急。。他劝我别赶。。。。 会很辛苦。。

现在慢慢学习懂得放开点,就好比拍卖会一样,当自己最想拿到的东西给别人得到,那种<输>的感受。。 我老板告诉我,要懂得放下才可以做拍卖顾客。。 我想我是不懂的放下吧。。

我的人很执着。。“牛” 不听别人的意见,总是觉得自己的意见最好。。 很恶搞吧!



白羊座〔3月21日—4月20日〕 热情又积极的白羊座情人,对自己的期望很高,对平凡的事务较无法忍受,喜欢新奇又具有价值感的礼物,来满足他的好奇心。 礼物清单: 一条很别致的腰带、一只很特殊的钢笔、一条印花很雅致的领巾、送她的礼物、一只造型特殊的珍珠别针、一瓶刚上市的名牌香水、一个造型及价值感十足的手提皮包、一条图案别致的丝巾、一件质感及设计具品味的外套或毛衣。 金牛座〔4月21日—5月21日〕 脚踏实地的金牛座情人,无法忍受浪费挥霍的事情发生,注重实际性,喜欢收到的礼物是可以马上就用得上的东西,一点也不会浪费掉,愈实用愈开心。 礼物清单: 一瓶综合维他命、一条图案大方的领带、一个小牛皮的皮包、送她的礼物、一套保养品(她平时用的品牌)、一双休闲鞋或布鞋、一件大方的毛衣、一顶舒服可爱的帽子。 双子座〔5月22日—6月21日〕 活泼开朗的双子座情人,求知欲旺盛,点子又多,若只是送他一样礼物,他一点也不会觉得鲜,反而觉得十分乏味,因此,最好用点心思,送他『一组』圣诞礼物,多样性又实用性混合,他可就会开心的笑不拢嘴,把玩个几天也不厌倦,另外可别忘了送他一张精致又附上你亲密祝福的耶诞卡,你的情人可是精神与物质都爱的『贪心鬼』喔! 礼物清单: 一组文具、一盒益智游戏组、皮夹、笔、腰带等礼盒组、皮鞋、皮带、休闲背包、送她的礼物、一组小香水礼盒、一盒多种口味造型的巧克力、一个化妆品礼盒。 巨蟹座〔6月22日—7月23日〕 温柔体贴又善解人意的巨蟹座情人,是个爱家又恋家的甜蜜情人,他罗曼蒂克的浪漫,让你爱的窝心,而喜欢家居生活和优闲生活方式的他,送给他一份家饰用品,那股温馨贴心的礼物,将会令他时时刻刻的思念着你呢! 礼物清单: 两个心形的甜蜜靠垫、一盏造型柔和的台灯、一套棉质的休闲服装、一瓶口味佳的香槟酒、一条柔软舒适的地毯、一件全白色棉质的浴袍、两个可爱的毛绒玩具组、一套色彩典雅的指甲油。 狮子座〔7月24日—8月23日〕 骄傲又爽朗的狮子座情人,总是众人注目的焦点人物,又爱出锋头的他,常让人觉得有点遥不可及,其实他很脆弱,需要情人的疼爱、支持和依靠,这爱好热闹的他,最喜欢华丽开心的圣诞礼物,来满足他的虚荣心。 礼物清单: 四、五个彩色缤纷的可爱气球、一件名牌衬衫、一个热情的Kiss、一个亮丽包装的时髦皮夹克或皮背心、金光闪闪的打火机或手炼、、一大串缤纷可爱的气球、九十九朵玫瑰花、顽皮毛绒玩具、一组可变换各种颜色表带的名牌手表、一个包装精致的皮包背包、流行的长靴、背心裙、毛衣以亮丽色彩为主。 处女座〔8月24日—9月23日〕 完美主义的处女座情人,重视精神生活,对感情则倾向于柏拉图式的恋情,对自己喜欢的人充满着慈爱、包容和专情,不会对物质生活有超出能力的向往,期待一个能与自己心?nbsp;沟通和活泼可爱的情人交往,对圣诞礼物则喜欢一张罗漫蒂克又用心用情的卡片和一束花朵,一些精神上的满足,最重要。 礼物清单: 一张粉粉柔柔的圣诞卡片,上面写满了你对他的思念和爱恋、一束亲手做的缎带花,或自己做的小玩偶,贴心又温柔、一双温暖的手套,暖烘烘的传达你的爱意、送她的礼物、一张精致的圣诞卡片,上面有着你对她的无限思念加一顶温暖的毛线帽、一个精巧别致的音乐手饰珠宝盒,那音乐响起时,她就会特别思念你、一束郁金香或紫色的玫瑰花,表达交心的爱意加一串金质的项链。 天秤座〔9月24日—10月23日〕 聪明又理智的天秤座情人,他的条理分明,实事求是的精神,令你又爱又受不了,凡事以自己的卓越智慧和直觉对认何人和事物下判断,太过理智的他,对他的情人可是苛克挑剔极了,尤其注意外形和气质,若没达到他的理想,那当他的情人会很累,只有默默付出的份,当然送他的圣诞理物要特别重视质感和特殊。 礼物清单: 一组高级进口的咖啡杯组,色彩特别,造型别致、一个造型新鲜的煮咖啡壶,利落的线条和质感特别重要、一件纯羊毛的外套,质轻、柔软,剪裁又佳、一对细致的茶杯组,色彩鲜明,图案精美别致、一件丝质的柔美衬衫,舒适又具有女人味、一个鹿皮的小背包,手感温暖又优雅、一件秀气的柔软毛衣。 天蝎座〔10月24日—11月22日〕 冷热无常的天蝎座情人,他的热情与温柔体贴真令人快被融化,但是一翻脸,他的自私冷酷无情,也会把人逼的气炸了,而他最强烈的爱恨情仇和忌妒心,是最令人受不了的,他是个很自我中心的情人,可以为了自己而伤害他的情人而毫无惭愧与痛苦,一般人是很难与他天长地久的,除非是他一见钟情的情人,那被『虐待』的人,就是天蝎座自己了,送他圣诞礼物时,以重质不重量为原则。 礼物清单: 一双具有男性性感魅力的皮鞋、一件正式却是名牌的衬衫、一张巨型的骨董车海报、一只古董表、吊带 、一条金质的手链,图案造型精致小巧、一件丝质的柔软衬衫、一瓶造型味道十分甜美的香水。 射手座〔11月23日—12月22日〕 自由奔放的射手座情人,一谈起恋爱,常常被爱和热情冲昏了头,但是却不喜欢受到拘束,责认感较差,有点像爱玩的孩子般,需要一个安定、成熟情人来呵护自己,因此,送他一份能『交心』的小礼物,他会很开心的。 礼物清单: 一对情人对表、一对精致的对笔,刻上你俩的名字、一对具质感的袖扣,或领带夹、送她的礼物、一个刻着她名字的心形项链或戒指、两件情人装,一人一件,一块在圣诞节穿、一束鲜花外再一盒巧克力和一双温暖的手套。 魔羯座〔12月23日—1月22日〕 懂事又腼腆的摩羯座情人,安静、守本份,做事谨慎踏实又有计划,但是在内心深处却藏着极端的心,一为积极、热情的个性,对自己喜欢的人或工作,那股不服输的劲,令人刮目相看,另一为冷淡不耐及脱轨的不屑态度,而不会勉强自己去接受一份不认同的感情,因此送他礼物时,以象征意义代表浮夸华丽的示爱为原则。 礼物清单: 一件纯羊毛舒适的毛衣,他常穿他,则对你重视,反之就算了;一条图案正式的领带,以中性系为主;一本照像本,写下一些情话和你们合拍的照片;一瓶味道清柔柔的茉莉花香香水;一本印有可表达你的爱意的日记本;一条心形的项链,或手表、戒指;一副复古的太阳眼镜。 水瓶座〔1月21日—2月19日〕 聪明可爱的水瓶座星座情人,拥有又纯又真的赤子之心,他的鬼点子又多又有趣,和他在一起开心极了,再加上他的活泼开朗可令人觉得他魅力无穷,但是拥有博爱精神的他常会放电,吸引不少异性,不过却不会滥情或滥交,在自己心中对情人有着无限的憧憬和期待,送他一份礼物,以轻松的心情表达即可。 礼物清单: 一件印有可爱图案或运动人物或数字的帽子、T恤;一只运动型多功能的手表,再一双休闲运动鞋;一个具多功能的万用手册;一条温暖的围巾;一条精致的手链或脚链;送她一个可爱的毛绒绒玩偶;送她一份造型奇特的香水组合;雅致的条纹衬衫。 双鱼座〔2月20日—3月20日〕 温柔优雅的双鱼星座情人,他那体贴和善解人意的细腻心思,令人觉得十分窝心,他的包容力很强,又会照顾人,常常会吸引异性的注意,但是也常常会爱上和自己个性不同的人而受到伤害,因此,最好以友情开始,互相了解后,再谱出爱恋,才不会受到个性不和的情感折磨。 礼物清单: 一幅印像派或油画等品味优雅的艺术品;一顶柔软高尚的羊毛帽;一双温柔的手套再加一条暖烘烘的围巾;一组精致的银制烛台、餐具;一个造型独特的相框;一件柔软的羊毛外套和小背包;活泼毛线帽、可爱的围巾


A.出生年份尾数,如1980最后的就是0就是姓柳 0柳 1唐 2颜 3慕容 4叶 5沈 6杜 7凌 8花 9莫

B.出生月,就是几月!1蓝 2芊 3碧 4(无) 5双 6吟 7玉 8琪 9竹 10香 11依 12若

C.出生曰,就是几曰!1(无) 2月 3雪 4晨 5宁 6萍 7落 8楹 9秋10溪 11(无) 12芊 13(无)14涵 15依 16点 17双 18蓉 19(无) 20惠 21婷 22佳 23(无) 24萱 25思 26薇 27儿 28韵 29(无) 30菲 31乐