Tips for Surviving Living with Your Boyfriend0) Leave the toilet seat up???
2) Guys are notorious for forgetting to show their appreciation. When you’re living with someone it’s pretty easy to forget to do the little things that show you care. It doesn’t mean that he loves you any less than he did before you moved in together.
3) Don’t behave like a mother. Getting all possessive and wanting to know where you boyfriend is, what he’s doing, who he’s with and when he’ll be home is a sure fire way to cause a ton of relationship friction. If you trusted him before you moved in, there’s no reason to not trust him post moving in together.
4) Make sure the lines of communication stay open. Nip any problems or niggly issues in the bud. Don’t let them build up.
5) Be willing to compromise. A relationship is all about give and take. Living together is a stark reminder of the small sacrifices and concessions that need to be made if you want to remain together. Equally, there should be compromise on his behalf too.
6) Split the bills. If one partner is financially supporting the other it can lead to all sorts of ammunition should the situation turn sour. There are few excuses to not pull weight when it comes to paying the bills. You should always aim to keep some sort of financial independence.
7) Before you move in together set down some ground rules or standards so you each know what you’re going into before its too late. Talk them through and come to an agreement on them. Discuss everyday things such as cooking, grocery shopping, tv usage, phone and internet needs, private time etc.
8) Take a few trial runs before committing to a lease arrangement. Go on a few holidays together or try to arrange living under the same roof for a month with either with some friends or a short term rental arrangement.
9) Discuss visitations from friends and family. It’s inevitable that at some stage you’ll be having guests that the other doesn’t get along with. Some friends and families feel that it is their right to arrive unannounced and help themselves to your space, time and fridge. Get some ground rules squared for how visitations are to be handled.
10) Avoid smothering. Getting some time away from each other remains an important part of any relationship. Don’t cut ties with your friends. One of the ultimate killers of a relationship is spending too much time with each other. Getting away from your partner is a good way of getting balance and putting any issues into perspective.
Ten Tips for Surviving Living with Your Girlfriend
1) When you’re finished… toilet seat… down. Always. It is one of the simplest steps to keeping the peace.
2) Be respectful of the shared space. There’s no need to get permission to have your friends around for beers and pizza in front of the TV, but make sure you let your girlfriend know. If she’s get to get up early the next morning keep the noise low when she does to bed and clean up after yourself. Basically use common sense.
3) Do your fair share of housework. You’ll probably be able to figure out between yourselves who does what. Make sure whatever you are responsible for gets done and done properly.
4) Maintain a decent level of cleanliness. There’s no need to be a neat freak, however slobiness is never attractive.
5) Keep in touch with your mates. The key to any long term relationship is scheduling time exclusively with your partner, but having some fun alone with your friends is just as important. You’ll keep a sense of independence which is important.
6) Accept that living with someone is a bit of give and take. Your visions of the ideal bachelor pad are probably not concurrent with your girlfriend’s ideas for interior design. Get together and compromise on what your living spaces are going to be like.
7) No matter where it is hidden, if you have porn it is guaranteed to be found. If there is anything in your closet that needs to be discussed, discuss it before it is found.
8) The biggest complain that occurs when couples move in together is that the relationship becomes very domestic and the partner feels taken for granted. Just because you are living together does not mean that you and your girlfriend have to stop dating. Arrange special nights out and continue to behave as you were before you moved in together.
9) A few little things can go a long way. Occasionally prepare a home cooked meal for when she returns home, offer to make a cup of tea, buy some flowers anything to let her know you are thinking of her.
10) If the idea of totally giving up your personal space is too much come to a compromise. If you can afford it get a two bedroom place until you settle into the idea of living under the same roof. Sharing a place with some other friends can keep thing casual to start out. However, remember that the infancy of your coupledom life is going to be shared with your friends. Every fight and problem is going to be public knowledge.